Monday, July 13, 2009

My childhood friends gathering

That is Shishi and Xinyi acting goofy... as usual, we have a great time laughing at our silliness ah**guffaw**

Haiyen and Xinyi trying to act coy with durian...LOL
Two of my oldest and close girlfriends from my childhood days ah...Sadly, l didn't managed to take alot of photos...the rest of the photos are with Kelvin..his nikon DSLR camera.Am still waiting for him to pass me the soft copies...
Recently I had a change of heart after witnessing from the media that there is on-going of so many sad and terrifying events have occur from the world such as the H1N1, natural disasters,traffic accidents,health related diseases,etc. I decided that it about high time to arrange for a meet up with my primary school classmates for a nostalgia gathering since it about 10 over years since our last gathering.
The answer to their questions: 1) Nope, I have not slimmed down **Sighs** so many december have gone by that I have finally thrown in the towel and arrange for our first meet up. LOL 2) I am not getting married either**chuckle** Through many sms and callings, I have managed to find and meet some of my primary school classmates over an impromptu dinner at Fish Manhattan restaurant in Bishan Junction 8.
Oh Gosh! I can’t believe my eyes, how have we all grown up! At the blink of an eye, we have all turned into grown-ups, working adults…Each carrying the burdens on our shoulders as we maneuver in and out of the rat-race daily… **Sighs** Life was so much simpler when we were just kids. We were reminiscing about those good old days, wishing if we could turn back the clocks or be liked the characters in Peter Pan story.
Soon, we were going to turn 29 or 30 years old. **Sniggers** Time truly flies ah. We had such a great time chilling out…To our delights; it truly felt good that we are able to still make the connection after all these years of losing contacts with one another. We have also arranged a second outing to Kelvin' hse for crabs and durian fest...a deadly combination ah...the photos above are taken in Kelvin' hse.... a third outing was arranged to watch Transformers movie together at The Cathay AMK.

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