Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My graduation trip

As l am penning down this blog, I should be seated in SQ heading over to Perth, Australia. I have decided to opt for a short trip to visit my beloved brother who is currently at Perth at the moment. Will be there from 18 Mar and departing at 22 Mar 1300hrs for Sydney till 31 Mar(To visit my good friend who is currently working as a staff nurse in Sydney)....A pretty good excuse for a graduation trip downunder!
Am l excited? Frankly speaking, not really, l just need a well-deserved break since l have just completed my part-time degree programme with University of London where l slogged over a long period of time. Not much of a social life and more of a hermit as l buzz between from full-time work and part-time studies. And most of the time,l was too darn tired to attempt any conversations with the students in my lectures though a couple of them tried to befriend me...**chucklings** not that l am anti-social or anything but it's so different if you are studying as a full-time or part-time student.
Anyway,recently, a cute looking squirrel warmly greeted me as if to say **Congratulations Ms Nicole Xu **for a job well-done with his big brown eyes before scurrying away to most probably be collecting pinetree nuts that was planted around the condo and the RELC building. l was simply elated to see the big furry creature as l went my way to collect my degree certificate with honours at RELC.
Oh gosh! I actually wasted a good half day of my precious annual leave (Am only entitled to 18 days per annual**sighs**) to collect the certificate as l had estimated that there should be a long queue similar to the time whereby we made payment for our examinations...seriously, its a dreadful affair as we have to wait quite a fair beat just so that we can pay for the examinations fees...How irony!?
However, its proved to be different this time round, as l didn't even have to queue for my collection of my degree certificate as there is practically no one in sight....Ha-ha :-)
I can't believed that l have finally graduated and this piece of paper (feather-light, l must add) is what most people (youngsters liked me) are duped into chasing what are we actually chasing after or over? so what do we hope to achieve huh? what happens next?
to covet over A piece of dream or the missing puzzle in the jigsaw? The missing link....
I am at the crossroad now and **to be or not to be**That is the question that lingers in my mind as l ponder by during this precious trip.............