Monday, July 20, 2009

Precious Moments Event 2009 Sam Butcher's Exclusive Book Launching & Signing Event Only in Singapore

Holy cow! I am certainly very extremely excited to learn about the upcoming Precious Moments Event 2009 Sam Butcher's Exclusive Book Launching & Signing Event Only in Singapore in September this year.
The dude Sam Butcher, the founder of the Precious Moments would be making a rare appearance in the event. Feeling very blissful to grab myself a ticket to the morning session...
Though the price $239 nett is a tad too steep for my likings but since l would get to see this handsome dude who is none other than the creator and founder of Precious Moments, I had decided that all these money are certainly well-spent! **guffaws** To sweeten the deal, I would also be receiving an Exclusive collective Event piece " Our Love is The Bridge To Happiness" Limited to 5000 world wide plus a First Printing & Collector's Edition Hardbound Book showcasing all his works, over 400 illustrations in full colors (Both pre-signed by him to). And since l regretfully missed last year event...I am determined to attend this year especially so this handsome dude is coming all the way from U.S.A ah...
Need I say more....**sniggers**

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hard Rock Cafe X Hello Kitty

Recently trip to Tokyo, Japan had me swooned over the exclusive Hard Rock and Hello Kitty co-branded merchandise. Sadly, I didn't managed to buy any of the pins as there were sold out....Darn disappointed ah...Imagined by dismany....Thankfully l did manage to buy the tote bag (Green color) , the T-shirt and Keychain. My intention was to collect the pins...Such is the irony of life....Now I am just hoping that my Kakis who is heading over to Japan come this November 2009 would be able to buy the pins, charm keychains and pink tote bag for me ah...all I could do to wait patiently...fingers crossed...Wishing and Hoping........

My childhood friends gathering

That is Shishi and Xinyi acting goofy... as usual, we have a great time laughing at our silliness ah**guffaw**

Haiyen and Xinyi trying to act coy with durian...LOL
Two of my oldest and close girlfriends from my childhood days ah...Sadly, l didn't managed to take alot of photos...the rest of the photos are with Kelvin..his nikon DSLR camera.Am still waiting for him to pass me the soft copies...
Recently I had a change of heart after witnessing from the media that there is on-going of so many sad and terrifying events have occur from the world such as the H1N1, natural disasters,traffic accidents,health related diseases,etc. I decided that it about high time to arrange for a meet up with my primary school classmates for a nostalgia gathering since it about 10 over years since our last gathering.
The answer to their questions: 1) Nope, I have not slimmed down **Sighs** so many december have gone by that I have finally thrown in the towel and arrange for our first meet up. LOL 2) I am not getting married either**chuckle** Through many sms and callings, I have managed to find and meet some of my primary school classmates over an impromptu dinner at Fish Manhattan restaurant in Bishan Junction 8.
Oh Gosh! I can’t believe my eyes, how have we all grown up! At the blink of an eye, we have all turned into grown-ups, working adults…Each carrying the burdens on our shoulders as we maneuver in and out of the rat-race daily… **Sighs** Life was so much simpler when we were just kids. We were reminiscing about those good old days, wishing if we could turn back the clocks or be liked the characters in Peter Pan story.
Soon, we were going to turn 29 or 30 years old. **Sniggers** Time truly flies ah. We had such a great time chilling out…To our delights; it truly felt good that we are able to still make the connection after all these years of losing contacts with one another. We have also arranged a second outing to Kelvin' hse for crabs and durian fest...a deadly combination ah...the photos above are taken in Kelvin' hse.... a third outing was arranged to watch Transformers movie together at The Cathay AMK.

Paya Lebar Methodist Church Ohana Camp 2009

l just came back from my first Church camp not too long ago.
Praise our good Lord for blessing me with an angel as my room- mate. She is an university undergraduate whom we get along quite well. To share with you more, l was actually a bundle of nerves before my Church camp and in between and especially the journey towards the Church camp as I was totally clueless as to whom l am sharing my room with, during my short trip to my Church Camp in KL, Malaysia recently in June 09. Though I was excited to embark for this trip but I was also apprehensive at the same time in which I used that time to quietly pray to my Lord for his divine guidance. Indeed, God is ever so wonderful and great. He has blessed me with an easygoing and friendly university undergraduate Geraldine (I hope that I got her name correct ah), as my room-mate. I had such a wonderful time bonding and chilling out with my Church mates as well as attending the talks given by various distinguished guest speakers. The team building games were also very interesting and amusing too. I also had alot of fun attending the gala dinner whereby each team (there are a total of 12 Teams,each displaying their items on stage) has to perform their theme.
I was selected to be one of the lead singers in our theme play, Though honored to do so but l was extremely self-conscious of having to face the audiences and be on stage at the same time.The feedback given after my performance was that l should sing louder. But having no practice at all and being impromptu for singing the Church Camp song on stage...I was simply petrified yet overwhelmed at the same time for the given chance to give thanks and praise through my singing to our good Lord! :-) The amazing part was the night before during our chilling session with my CG, I was told that l should make use of my voice to amplify and sing praise to our good Lord. And l have also expressed my wishes to do so but just that l didn't get the chance to do so as l was involved in the ushering during our Sunday service and having stage -fright did not help either. Furthermore, l was slightly apprehensive about it as l did not have any proper training for it. I was kindly reminded so long as I sing praise from my heart, that is all that matters really to our good Lord. In between, l was also given the helpful information that l can learn more about through the Believer music programs which l intend to take up in the upcoming August 2009.

The trip to and fro was smooth and was further sweetened by the deal that we were also given some free time around 2-3hours on our second day to shop around a local shopping mall. Even though it was a small shopping mall, l must say that **Women being shopping queens no matter where they are situated could still find ways and means to find and buy stuff to their hearts content ah** And for that, I truly takes my hats off them all!
As for me, l bought a fuchsia pink dress and a pair of shoe at such a great steals ah…**guffaw** since our currency exchange is higher than the Malaysia currency ah. Life is such bliss ah when you don’t have to worry about the currency while doing shopping ah. LOL

Eileen' wedding gown fitting session

Love can make a lot of things impossible possible. Still, getting married is probably one of the most important decisions a woman can ever face and decide in her life. It certainly takes guts to finally admit to the world at large that your man is the right one for you and to share the rest of your life with him. "For riches or poorer...till death do us apart..."
Recently, I accompanied my dear colleague Ms Eileen for one of her wedding gown fitting session. I managed to snap an impromptu mugshot of her being gently chided by the wedding designer Michelle...One need to be disciplined or at least for a short period before her big day....No more buffets many dos and don'ts...Oh gosh! There is certainly no ugly woman or lazy woman ah....**guffaw**