Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My detox programme

I have decided to opt for a more healthy lifestyle...am absolutely determined to cut down on the junks and toxics....Meaning wanting to detox for a long time...perhaps l really should start today....
Calorie calculator (Excerpt from Health Promotion board)
My daily energy requirement is estimated to be: 2216 Kcal **sniggers**
This is what l had for breakfast this morning....

Breakfast menu
Sausage McMuffin™ 402
Hashbrowns 130
Low-Fat, Hi-Calcium Milk 102
Total (Kcal): 634
Lunch menu
Fish soup + a slice of pineapple or payaya
Or 2 Hotdog buns + a slice of pineapple or payaya
Dinner menu
Still undeciding... Oh man this is pure determination and tough ar... >_<
I need to lose 27Kilos....^@^ Wish me Luck! Plus plently of exercises....

Friday, February 6, 2009

Hard Rock Cafe collector pins

Valentine' day Pin VS Rose Pin VS Snowman Pin
I liked them both...Don't really have them yet, but l hope that someday I will get my hands on them...Ha-Ha
Hard Rock Cafe Valentine's day Pin 2009

Managed to get my hands on the HRC limited pins from Bangkok, Thailand in 2008 but now l am waiting for the Valentine pin 2009 in Japan, hopefully my Boss' friend will get it for me ar...My boss just came back from Tokyo, Japan yesterday but unfortunately, the HRC pins are sold out! Darn it! Ha-Ha >_<
Oh well, l will just leave it to faith...Keeping my fingers crossed in the meanwhile...**Twinkling eyes**
Kimono Girl Pin 2009
Ain't they pretty looking and l always wanted to wear one too...Perhaps I will wear them one day...Cheers..

Been an avid fan of Hard Rock cafe aka HRC limited pins since my brother had introduced them to after his vacationing to Seoul, Korea since donkey years ago...**Ha-Ha** He got them for me as souvenirs...Since then, l have been selectively collecting and purchasing HRC pins whenever l go for vacationing overseas ar...and So far, l have been to parts of USA, Canada, Japan, Korea, Thailand, HongKong, Malaysia & Singapore, etc.And without skipping a heart beat, l have always make it an affair to visit their HRC...**Snigger**
The only places that l have yet to venture out is Europe in which l hope that someday or one fine day, l will find someone to join me for a trip or two...My personal favourites are Paris; France, Belgium(As l want to go to Smurfs land, l am also a collector of the minitures of Smurf figurines since childhood days),Switzerland, Holland. Its a niche way of collecting as a form of souvenir for myself without the heavy weight of either my wallet or the luggage and l don't have to worry about the overload charges and its compact enough to be hand-carry to the aircraft but usually l would place them in my suitcases to prevent complications from arising...due to the customs and their regulations...in order to save myself from the trouble....l also liked to collect other sort of pins other than HRC limited pins, that usually signature the tourist attraction spots or the highlighted the Country famous places of interest....Guess, my room is sort of liked a mini disneyland where one never really grows up...**Chuckling**

Rose Chan doll

1995 Sarong Kebaya
1998Peranakan Sarong Kebaya
2004Doric Chiton
2007Chinese Opera
2008 Rose-chan Goes Green

1995 'Rose-chan' doll dressed in Sarong Kebaya was issued as part of Takashimaya 3 rd Christmas celebrations in Singapore. There's something serenity about these Rose-Chan Dolls with its rosy face and buttocks expression, and sense of liveliness to its body,their half-closed eyes..demure looking and with a tinge of shy smile...the 'Rose-chan' of Takashimaya is certainly widely adored.
At first, l do not understand what was the big fuss on this Rose-Chan doll about until l personally come into contact with one of them...2007 Rose-Chan goes Chinese Opera...Fall in love with this mascot doll immediately. Hence the start of my collection...
I have attaché those pictures of Rose-Chan dolls that l have learnt to adore but missed out sorely on its collection...This is the end result of my procrastination aka a snail's pace as l pondered by...And when l finally made up my mind to get my hands on the Rose-chan dolls...All l get is the signage of "Fully Redeemed" at the customer service counter in Takashimaya...
The scene replayed by itself over and over again till l decided to go out and grab myself a Rose-Chan doll...
Ha-Ha ^@^
The best part of the deal was that these Rose-Chan (Limited edition) are redeemed complimentary by consumers/ shoppers with a spending of 200 bucks (Approx.) in Takashimaya department store.
They are of limited quantity of 3000 pcs....Hence, they are most sought after collector item.
So far, l am thankful that I have managed to collect Rose-Chan 2007 goes Chinese Opera (2 pcs) and Rose-chan 2008 Goes Green (1 pc).
A short description of the Rose-chan 2008 is that of the mascot doll tenderly cradling the planet Earth in her hands. This suggests that each one of us holds the power to change the world for the better. :-)
I am patiently waiting for my Rose-Chan 2009...Wonders what the year 2009 might be in store for Rose-Chan mascot doll ^@^