Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Singapore!!

Happy 46th Birthday Singapore!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

"ancora imparo"

Does it really matters how people looks at you? What matters most is how you looks at yourself..I used to have this motto in life since l was a teenager (many moons ago), "Nothing venture,nothing gained..." I wonders now if l still have that gutsy feeling that l have during my school days- secondary till university...is it because l have grow up? Is it because now that l am a young adult...i tend to be more conscious of myself...others comments- be it kind or cruel...is it really matter what others think...i think i should always do self-reflection...to reflect...to lead a better lifestyle..to be a better person..to be a kinder person to others and yourself since you only have one life on earth till the Lord calls you home...one should always be true to yourself...what's wrong if you express your likings to someone new...is that really that bad...is it wrong to leave messages and wait for reply...is it a heinous crime to ask for cellphone nos just because you happen to be a lady...why do human beings like to subject themselves such tortures...i would like to think that there is nothing wrong with wanting to know people more...genuine wanting to get to know people better...to help others, to be a listening ear, to leave the world knowing that you have certainly touch someone's heart...that the world is such a better brighter place because you have made an impact on someone's life...as for me, l am still constantly learning...learning to accept myself for who l am and rejections are part of growing up...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Thank you Mommy and Daddy for giving birth to me...

August is always my favorite month of the calendar year…maybe it is also coincident with my birthday month…What my wishes are for this year?!
H mm, l didn’t really have any for the moment….
I am thankful for GOD, my family especially to my mom who gave birth to me on 10th of August (a couple of moons ago), my dad & brother for their guidance and loved ones for being gracious, loving me just the way l am, tolerating with my nonsense, ever chatter self…l can serious talk nineteen to the dozen till the cow comes home, either that or l enjoy hearing my friends share their details/stuff with me……. Recently, I went to a couple of local theater productions (e.g. P.S. I Love You but now change, Into the woods, Beauty Kings by dick Lee)…it has been a long while since l went and support local production…realized that l still enjoys every minute of it…but l guess due to thick budget wise, l need to keep to only three local productions per year…
As for traveling, one of my wish list, was to visit Malacca via train which l just managed to do so early this year…another is to visit Redang island and to do some snorkeling ever since l saw the Sammi Cheng’s movie…l have been mesmerized by the beauty of the island…I still hope to learn to ride a bicycle…or to climb the Mount Kinabalu…or to watch a movie alone…something that l have not done so since a long long while ago…I have always wish for a shopping mall to be built near my area…and finally after a long wait…Oh yes…a shopping mall is finally constructed, up and running in the empty land next to where l am staying…and the irony is that l have yet to watch a midnight movie alone…strangely we tend to be complacent since we know that it’s within reach…someday l will get it all nicely done…and a companion would be nice too….am I too greedy?! ^_^

Back on the right track....

It's been a long while since l last written anything on my sadly neglected blog...Was l that busy to begin with...what did l do?
Hmm...firstly, l found myself stranded at a crossroad...”to tender and move on or be stagnant...” Finally I did muster my courage to throw the letter...Oh mine..What a relief l finally felt!! U know it’s liked seeing the rainbow after a heavy downpour..that sort of thingy...
Next l went traveling...had some serious thinking going on...done some reflections and before l knew it...GOD already knows the answers to my path...a job in the early childhood profession awaits...so l went and got myself hired with a train and place mode...Changed two places before l am finally being back on the right track...went back to studies...Seriously l recalled telling my parents that l had enough of studies after my degree...Haha...and the irony of life...here l am back to school...sometimes l wish l am not such a blabbermouth...anyway...so here l am...always rushing here and there...doing assignments...meeting deadlines... and before l knew what was going on...my graduation is getting nearer in two months time....

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

"As long as you are here,
I want only you...
I don't care about the rest,
Because you are the love I have been waiting for...
I'll love you however painful & fearsome it is...
I just want to know you in my pathetic love life...
I find an excuse to look for you...
Hey there, I'm looking at you but what about you?
Why look at others but not me?
I know that deep down, you are the right one for me...
Because you have barged into my cold world...
I'll be contented however painful it is...
I'd like to give a day of mine to you...
Give it to your cold heart ...."

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year 2010! :-)

May the Year 2010 sprinkle you and your family with shower of Blessings of Joy, Health, Wealth,Faith, Love, Peace and tonnes of Happiness ah!
Let's toast to a brand new year of new possibilities and opportunities ah! ^@^

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tokyo Trip

"Liked failed love in a movie, Is love an extravagant Hope?
The sky is so glaring,so why do my heart arches?
I don't understand Love and You....
Thus I continue to wait in silence....
When will my Love come?
Am l an acceptable choice?
How do people fall in Love....
I seemed to be the muddle-headed one....
It is the first time that I am feeling afraid....
Oh my Love, please walk to me....
If we are to fall in Love, then there will be no more sorrowful goodbye...."