Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Birthday planner

There's always something magical brewing up in the air when one try to plan an "open surprise" birthday bash for one's loved ones or office colleagues....
The anticipations...excitement...and planning right up to the nitty-gritty details as to one's likes and dislikes...selecting the assortment of cakes...interesting birthday cake and not forgetting the birthday cards...And frankly speaking...Nothing beats that of the "Happy looks" reflecting on the birthday dudes and babes' face when they open up their birthday presents....So long as they are truly happy then the works of the birthday organiser is completed....Eversince young, l have always enjoy being a birthday planner in which selecting gifts, cakes,cakes,etc are part of the deal for me..almost liked a second nature to if i was born to do so....**chucklings**

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