Thursday, May 21, 2009

Yesterday was such a blessings ah...
Finally l had the rare privilege of seeing Candy & Aik Lee's handsome baby boy ah...
Ah...Such is the bliss of life...Isn't he adorable ah...I loved holding his tiny hands and feets...
That's his mommy aka my dear buddy cum ex-colleague ah...Oh gosh! I missed her so so much...
And I must confess (Guilty as charged...)that l loved carrying him gently which is always such a joy as he looked at me through his intelligent looking peepers...I loved his beautiful eyes...melts me totally ah...Awwww...

Monday, May 18, 2009

My Exercise regime ah

This is one of my favourite photos which was taken in one of my favorite countries aka Bangkok (The land of a thousand smiles) last year...Before l decided to perm my tresses..Those fuss free days where my tresses would always be in place and no matter what l would remain in prefect condition and all these are thanks to the rebonding technique at Salon ah...Anyway, back to Bangkok topic, as l was saying, I was there with my childhood friend aka Vada Ong... This photo was taken at one of the designated seating areas at Isetan shopping centre meant for those who feet are killing them softly yet still tried to retain their stand by refusing to throw in the white towel...I was simply catching a breather and waiting for my friend before moving to our next destination ah...More shopping perhaps.... I simply loved this photo of me without any make-ups...Just me, my laughter aka smiles and my trusty worth spectacles....Ha-Ha =p You know, l simply loved shopping and dining in Bangkok, Thailand as the Thais are a bunch of friendly people and their food are simply delicious ah....Not forgetting the traditional massages which are pretty good for my aging body and the best part is that I can simply spend our monies without a care for the world...not worrying this and the foreign currency is good for our wallets too....I have been visiting Bangkok since young so l can safely say that l know Bangkok liked the back of my hands...Heehee...if you know what l meant ah"Sniggers"
Recently, I have decided to be more pro-active in my search for better health and figure....That meant no more short more excuses and naughty thoughts....Anyway, l am simply so so sick of carrying all these excess baggages aka pestering fats....As there is an old saying; "No pain, No gain ah....or should l say as No pain No lose ah" I have decided to opt for better quality of lifestyle by engaging in exercises such as brisk-walking or sometimes if it's drizzling then l would be strolling instead! "Chucklings"...I have just started doing all these near my place aka Serangoon stadium yesterday 18 May 2009 and since fate has it that my place has stadium, park and swimming complex all within the same locations ah (Though l am simply guilty as charged for not even stepping into the swimming complex at least once eversince day one that they built all theses facilites ah... ). Frankly speaking, I am very fortunated to have all the facilites within my parameters ah... So l sincerely hope that l would stick to my exercise regime...which requires alot of determination and sweats ah...**Wish me Good Luck okay!?**
Though l sometimes wish that l have a good walking buddy ah...Someone that would not only give me moral support but physical support too...But then again, all my close friends do not live near my area..."Sighs" So l can't be that demanding and act as a spoiled brat and insisted on asking them to join me for my exercise regime ah...One can't be that selfish if you know what l meant...Besides, they are already darned slim build and only am l that sticks liked a sore thumb among my kakis ah....
Moreover I would also be in my usual baggy clothings, pony tail, perspiring profusely...listening to mp3, slightly breathless...."Shudders at the extremely ugly thoughts of myself ah..."Ha-ha...Seriously I doubt that there is anyone who would join me for the quest of good health. Usually people prefers to go to gym or those slimming centre to do the trick....which l simply abhor ah...Basically I hope that l would be able to lose my fats and no longer be labelled as "Ms Porky just liked the Sesame streets ah"...and perhaps my confidence level would also take a boosting....Hopefully I would be able to dazzle that special someone along the way ah....You know about that song from American Tail..."Someway out there..." which l hold dearly to heart.... ^@^ This song simply expressed my feelings at the present moment ah..............................
And that's moi again...fully dolled up for my DND event in of my prettier photos too....trying to be demure but failing miserably...Oh what the heck! Life is simply too short to be pretendious...I will just be myself....That's will be just fine ah.....A toast for good health and love.....Cheers :-)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Birthday planner

There's always something magical brewing up in the air when one try to plan an "open surprise" birthday bash for one's loved ones or office colleagues....
The anticipations...excitement...and planning right up to the nitty-gritty details as to one's likes and dislikes...selecting the assortment of cakes...interesting birthday cake and not forgetting the birthday cards...And frankly speaking...Nothing beats that of the "Happy looks" reflecting on the birthday dudes and babes' face when they open up their birthday presents....So long as they are truly happy then the works of the birthday organiser is completed....Eversince young, l have always enjoy being a birthday planner in which selecting gifts, cakes,cakes,etc are part of the deal for me..almost liked a second nature to if i was born to do so....**chucklings**

My beloved colleagues aka Ms Sizzling hottie Norwati and Sexy hot mama Raihimah' Birthday Bash 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Post celebration trip to Tokyo Japan 07 May - 11 May 2009

Praise the Lord for his ever goodness!! :-)
Isn't life wonderful! I am simply overjoyed at the idea of getting a pretty good deal from NorthWest Airlines (475bucks net inclusive of tax and fuel surcharges) ah...Saved me a bundle ah...It's been a long long while since l stepped foot into Tokyo, Japan yet again...The whole experience was simply breathtaking ah...Disneyland, Disneysea, Mount Fuji, Sanrio Puroland, Hakone, Ueno, Asakusa, Tokyo Tower, Shinjuku, Roppongi, Imperial palace park and the list goes on....It's always been my childhood dreams to visit Japan and Europe ah.......
Simply marvelous ah....I have met many kind & wonderful angels whose smile simply warmed my heart as l approached them to take photographs or ask for road directions...Am simply thankful and grateful for understanding their stammering soft spoken english and helpfulness....I simply adored their politeness...their impeccable good weather ah....And not forgetting their simply delicious good and yummy food ah....Plus their interesting display of gadgets and more shopping sprees ah.......their colourful cosmetics that looked good enough to eat ah...Nah...Just kidding ah! So much temptations yet so little time....

Asakusa, Tokyo Japan

Hello Kitty, Sanrio Puroland 2009

**Twin stars** Sanrio Puroland, Tokyo Japan

Tokyo Tower from afar

The Imperial Palace East Gardens (Kokyo Higashi Gyoen)

Mount Fuji >_<

Priceless memories...A lifetime of remembrance..

17 April 2009 Friday 9am
What a day ah! Priceless memories...a lifetime of remembrance..Thank God ah! Woke up pretty early this morning just so that we could beat the traffics and reach SIM early as we need to be seated by 9am....
Phew!! No words could really express how l felt ah....Finally after all these years of slogging away...**nightmares before the examinations especially if one need to sit for two exams (Morning and afternoon) the agony of it all....night after night, rushing after work...squeezing the human traffics from Tanjong pagar mrt to Dover mrt...**Cold sweat ah**Not much of a dinner more of a munch...And pretty much **no social life** and more of a hermit in that area (Ha-Ha)....Listening to the ongoing lectures...waiting for teabreaks to start and the disappointment of a lousy snacks...
Ah-ha..Such is the life of a undergraduate who study part-time and work full-time....Most of the time, one will be buried under piles and piles of endless notes...reference books....burning mid-night oils...not really understanding what the heck the lecturers are talking about...trying to figure out their accents or the monotonous tone....Looking at the ticking of the clock wishing and wishing for 10pm to arrive so that one can dash right back home....
Journey back would be liked human sardine can (Darned packed as everyone fights their way inside the Bus...Shudders at the thought!) in bus 74 heading towards macritchie reservoir and transferring to bus 156 passing by Bishan Junction 8 before taking another 10-15mins that finally reach my bus stop thus another 10-15 mins stroll back to my home sweet home...alas...before l know it...another day has passed and it's the wee hours of another brand new day that awaits....endless possibilities

Thank God that l have graduated and finally gotten myself that darn piece of featherlight piece of paper....What a relief...Someone once shared with me that one would not get to enjoy the limelight (That 60seconds worth of fame) till at the very end...or shall l put it as **appreciate the fruits of labour till the harvest are sowed....

I am grateful for the supports that my family and friends have rendered towards me especially when l missed out on their special occasion such as birthday, etc....Indeed, I am thankful to all who have shown their kind concerns and encouragements words to me in one way or another towards obtaining my first degree...BSC mgmt with Law :-)

Cheers and God Bless always :-)

My UOL graduation ceremony 17 April 2009_Priceless memories

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Sydney & Perth Trip

Praise the Lord for blessing me with the wonderful, splendid & blessed time spent in Sydney & Perth, Australia recently! I have met many gracious and friendly local aussies as l roamed the streets of Sydney alone...Went to the Sydney tower thrice as l was simply mesmerized by the enchanting city of the Sydney....Simply bowled over by its beauty....Managed to visit the Sydney wildlife zoo and Aquarium on the every same day so as to maximum the time spent...Simply adored the Koalas bears though they are almost or shall l put it, sleeping all the time...such carefree creatures who do not care a hoot for the materials of the world...I totally envy them ah...Ha-ha...Eat and sleep the whole time...Wonders what is the purpose of having them around?!
I wonders why?! **Chucklings**

Most of the time, l simply loved strolling along the Bondi Beach and Congee Beach. Simply enjoys stepping the soft sand that felt so so comfortable and the cool cold water splashing around my legs as if the sea are welcoming me to their humble premise & sashaying proudly towards me with their mighty waves. I liked Congee Beach the best as it's located near my best friend's apartment ah which is only 15 to 30mins...The waves splashing around the rocks had such a calming effect on me...

In the meanwhile, l simply enjoys strolling the Royal Botanic gardens of Sydney..Lovely flowers and gigantic trees plus not forgetting the bats...Hundreds of bats...**Shudders at the thought of them flying around in broad daylight though they didn't disturb us but their hissing sounds made one skin crawls ah...Thanks goodness l managed to join the free 1 and 1/2 hour of tour around the Botanic gardens where the local volunteer guide gives a great preview of the Botanic garden...Managed to find a great view of the Sydney opera house for photo taking...Such beautiful memories to behold ah....Not forgetting that l managed to get a glimpse of the Sydney government houses, a free 45mins tours around the government house..such breathtaking view ah....There are so much free things to do if only one knows the way around Sydney ah....

Oh gosh! I also managed to get a glimpse of the inside of the Sydney opera house when l happened to chance upon it during one of the concert breaktime on one fine Saturday evening...What a night to end my trip in Sydney....Ha-ha....Oh before l forgets, l also managed to catch the earthsaving hour which the partial lights in Sydney harbourbridge and Opera house were switched off so as to observe the earthsaving event...Interesting to partake in such an event....

The mode of transportation that l used most of time is bus as it's less taxing on my wallet...Heehee...I also enjoys chatting with other tourists whom also liked me...were mostly backpackers who enjoy roaming the streets of Australia alone...This is the first time that l got to roam around and alone in Sydney which l simply enjoys the solitude...Strange as it might sounds...I felt empowered and that the world is my oyster to play with...That l am alive with excitement....And that anything is possible ah....
As l was pretty much chauffeured around in Perth by my brother and sis-in-law...
**Cold sweat** Though l truly appreciated the gesture but l do not have much choices to roam around freely except for the malls....Felt liked a puppy in a pet shop with a chain around the neck ah....**Chucklings** Not that l am complaiming or anything as l fully understand that they loved me very much and do not wish to see me suffers or in any harm way....

Hence, you would probably understand why l am simply darned happy and excited to travel alone from Perth to Sydney via domestic flight Virgin blue....The domestic flight was pretty great though l listened to my mp3 most of the time as they do not provided other forms of entertainment unless if you want to use credit card to pay for the movies or other commerical stuff which l rather not...

And guess what, there was a fatal incident involving rival gang fights which leads to one death on the day that l arrived in the domestic airport....What a welcome ah!? I am glad and grateful that my best friend, Hweeling managed to fetch me from the domestic airport and showed me around for a day or two before l am left alone...Not that l am complaining as she is also tied down with work and studies....Thank god that l didn't experience any racists or none so fact, everyone that l met, be it the bus driver to the grandpa on the streets were extremely friendly and helpful towards me...Hence, l simply am dumbstrucked by their politeness and sincerity ah...
Guess l was the only one wearing **tinted glasses** if you know what l meant when l reached Australia especially when l heard so many gruesome details about racists stuff that l was a bundle of nerves but l decided to take off my tinted glasses and smile to everyone that l have met along the way...Perhaps it is the grace of the Lord that l managed to meet all of the wonderful locals and had a swell time in Sydney and Perth....Simply loved the cosmopolitan city of Sydney ah....Till we meet again..Please take good care of yourself, Mr. Sydney ah....Ha-Ha :-)