Monday, December 29, 2008

Singapore Zoo @26 December 2008

Finally, I managed to find the time to visit the Singapore Zoo again with my close friend, Lina :-)

All smiles ye...26December 2008 and the tickets cost us 18bucks each!!
Ouch!? Still feeling the pinch! Ha-Ha :-P

The white tigers exhibits >_<

Managed to snap this photo....

Kangaroos...I want to go Australia....

The escapade...

The orang utans...munching bananas..

Can you spot that polar bear....

Finally managed to snap this cutie..Wish l can hug him...

The deers.......

The giraffe...

So close yet so far...He was looking at me intensively..and when l tried to snap his photo...He turned away shyly....

That moi...posing with my teddy bear...if only l can bring him home...

Can you spot that bear?!

Hello Mr. Peacock...Where's your girlfriend?

My favourite girls....

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