Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Perfect strangers

As l headed down the road along the central business district to have my late lunch with my colleagues today…My heart almost skipped a beat when l saw a guy wearing Nikon camera strap in the far distant…Keke ;-) I almost Thought it’s him….almost frozen dead in my tracks…till l realized it’s just another normal human being wearing the same Nikon camera strap taking the same kind of photographs of the same kind old buildings…..Almost wished it’s him……………

Tokidoki(Sometimes), l wonders if l will be able to recognize him along the dozen of people walking down the streets of Singapore…Will l be able to single him out…You know, just liked in the movies…When will our parallel path cross?! When it’s really happening, Will we be able to single each other out in that split seconds when our eyes meet each other…The secret smiles…Will our destiny gonne change after that…or Will we go on to our separate paths…Each minding our own personal stuff…It sort of reminds me of that movie “Turn left, Turn right” …The “what if “question kept lingering in my mind as l ponders away in the listless Tuesday afternoon….

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