Monday, December 22, 2008

Have a Blessed Merry X'mas!!

Since its X'mas...and you only tell the truth and nothing but the truth in X'mas...
So without Hope or agenda, l am going to wish everyone a very Blessed and Beautiful X'mas...Have a blissful holidays ar!! Cheers to our friendship!
And for this year, l also intends to do something a little crazy or silly...out of my comfort zone ar...Ha-Ha :-)

  1. I going to be more proactive in Church and volunteer more of my time….

  2. Am Gonne place my blessed talents to good usage...

  3. I am going to treat all of beloved ones much better…

  4. I am going to improve on my overall personality and image…a little less grouchy and a little more positive….

  5. I am going to learn how to sing better and learn music notes...perhaps piano lessons

  6. I am going to continue with my Peranakan bead weaving lessons...perhaps beaded shoes

  7. I am going to exercise more….Am going to use the park near my place more often… think it’s pretty good time to lose some of my extra kilos…30kilos to be precise…There’s a will, there is a way….I still wish and hope to be able to wear my old kebaya....Ha-Ha

  8. I am going to start greeting a very “Good morning or Good evening” to those feisty grannies around my void-deck to bless their kind see their wrinkled face breaking into smiles...Isn't life beautiful?!

  9. I am going to select, buy, write and give out personally a X'mas card to that special someone whom l hope to meet up soon...My own personalized courier service to that special person.....Ha-ha I know that nowadays no one send out X'mas cards to friends except for maybe some business associate...but l am still an old-fashioned gal at heart who love to write my appreciations and share my gratitude to all my dear friends especially to those guidance angels...

  10. The possibilities are endless……………………….Isn't life beautiful.....Cheers to all

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